Mayor Bill de Blasio[1]'s top political consultants, some of whom also represent clients[2] with interests before City Hall, were paid about $500,000 in the last six months by the mayor's campaign fund and a nonprofit group created to advance his agenda[3], according to financial records disclosed on Friday.

The bulk of the payments came from the nonprofit, the Campaign for One New York, which several of Mr. de Blasio's former campaign advisers run. The group, which led his efforts on the national political stage, can accept unlimited contributions from donors because it operates outside of New York City's strict campaign finance rules.

In November, the group received a $250,000 contribution from the family of George Soros, the wealthy liberal donor, and a $200,000 contribution from Unite Here, a labor union once led by John Wilhelm, who is Mr. de Blasio's cousin. Two real estate firms with business in New York City — DDG Partners and TF Cornerstone — also donated to the group last year, the records show.

The consulting fees went to three firms — BerlinRosen, Hilltop Public Solutions, and AKPD Message and Media — that employ consultants[4] who routinely advise Mr. de Blasio on political matters, sometimes more often than his City Hall aides.

Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo[5] also disclosed records on Friday showing he had raised nearly $900,000 from limited-liability companies, or L.L.C.s, whose influence he is now seeking to curb.

The mayor's group, the Campaign for One New York, spent $1,222,091 in the second half of 2015, more than half of which went toward establishing the Progressive Agenda Committee, the liberal coalition[6] that Mr. de Blasio founded. The mayor, a Democrat, had hoped to hold a presidential forum in Iowa, but the event was canceled because no candidates agreed to attend.

The mayor's outside nonprofits have been criticized by government watchdogs, who say they allow for donors seeking to curry favor with City Hall to give large donations that would otherwise not be allowed under city rules. Before he was mayor, Mr. de Blasio protested[7] the rise of such groups; he has since said he will take advantage of them to play on an equal footing with political opponents and has appeared at fund-raisers for[8] the Campaign for One New York.

The groups affiliated with the mayor are not required by law to disclose all of their donors and expenditures, but do so anyway. But the full scope of his political effort was unavailable on Friday; a spokeswoman for the Progressive Agenda Committee, now a separate nonprofit, said it would disclose its expenditures on a different schedule because it is based in Washington.

Mr. de Blasio's re-election fund, which is governed by the city's campaign finance limits, also disclosed documents on Friday. In the last six months, he raised $1,065,908; his fund spent $218,422. The group has about $850,000 on hand.

The mayor spent $67,000 on polling in October and November as he pondered his re-election strategy. His team also spent nearly $800 at Bar Toto, an Italian restaurant in Park Slope, Brooklyn, that he favors.

The donors to Mr. de Blasio's campaign included the venture capitalist Fred Wilson; influential real estate players including Bruce Ratner and the Walentas family; and Randy L. Levine, the president of the Yankees. (Mr. de Blasio, who grew up in the Boston area, is a Red Sox fan.)

Mr. Cuomo's campaign reported raising about $5.5 million over the last six months, with just over $16 million in cash on hand, according to documents filed with the State Board of Elections.

The governor's disclosure of $900,000 in contributions from L.L.C.s came after he called for eliminating the so-called L.L.C. loophole in his State of the State address[9] on Wednesday. These companies can contribute up to $60,800 to a statewide candidate per election cycle — far beyond the regular corporate limit. Government watchdogs have long criticized the maneuver as a way for companies to make donations by funneling them through multiple L.L.C.s.

Asked to address the apparent discrepancy, a spokesman for the Cuomo campaign said in a statement that while the "campaign follows all finance laws and will continue to do so," the governor had been a "vocal supporter of closing the L.L.C. loophole."

The filing also showed that Mr. Cuomo, a Democrat, paid $300,000 over the last six months to the law firm that represented his office while it was being investigated by Preet Bharara, the United States attorney in Manhattan, over the governor's shutdown of an anticorruption panel in 2014. Mr. Bharara said on Monday that prosecutors had not found enough evidence[10] to bring a criminal case against the governor or his aides.