Natural skin care | Skin-friendly foods

 Everything you put in your mouth can help or harm your skin. So, fill your mouth with skin-saving super-foods and look better than ever!
Antioxidant-rich foods For Skin
Foods rich in antioxidants will make your skin glow. That means lots of colourful fruits and veggies:

 Natural skin care|Skin-friendly foods

• Yellow and orange fruits and vegetables: Enjoy apricots, carrots, peaches and more.
• Green leafy vegetables: Spinach, anyone?
• Ripe juicy tomatoes: Add them to sauces, salads and sandwiches.
• Berries: Blackberries, blueberries, strawberries and plums have the highest “total antioxidant capacity” of any food.
Other high antioxidant capacity foods include beans, prunes and artichokes.
Foods with essential fatty acids
Essential fatty acids, omega-3, promote healthy cell membranes, which affect what can and cannot penetrate your body's cells. Moreover, a healthy cell membrane helps contain moisture, which results in plump, younger-looking skin.
 Natural skin care|Skin-friendly foods• Load up on omega-3-rich foods such as mackerel, walnuts and flaxseed oil.
Quality oils for skin
You moisturise your skin on the outside, and ingesting healthy oils lubricates your skin from the inside. Look for the least-processed oils you can find, such as extra-virgin olive oil, which still contain important nutrients.
Include approximately two tablespoons per day in your diet. Any more than that might cause you to pack on the pounds.
Low-fat dairy products
The vitamin most often associated with healthy skin is vitamin A, and one of the easiest ways to boost your intake of vitamin A is with dairy products.
 Natural skin care|Skin-friendly foods• Foods such as carrots are high in beta-carotene, which your body can convert to vitamin A. But not everyone's body can easily make this conversion. Low-fat dairy products provide true vitamin A that every body can use.
• So enjoy low-fat milk and cheese and stock up on yogurt.
Skin-saving beverages
Green tea. This near-perfect drink will boost your skin in a way nothing else can. Anti-inflammatory properties protect the skin's cell membranes – research suggests that green tea may even help lower your risk of skin cancer.
Water. Plain water provides the hydration that soda and juice cannot. The oft-recommended “eight glasses a day” translates to about half a gallon of clean, still wate

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Natural skin care | Skin-friendly foods Rating: 4.5 Posted by: kriskiantorose

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